Newfoundland and Labrador Current Local Time
The Current Time in Newfoundland is: Sunday 3/23/2025 1:36 PM NDT Newfoundland is in the Newfoundland Time Zone |
Newfoundland and Labrador Canada is officially in the Newfoundland Time Zone and observes Daylight Saving Time. Labrador uses Atlantic Time except for the portion between L'Anse au Clair and Norman Bay, which is on Newfoundland time. You can use the guide below to find current times in selected locations in Newfoundland and Labrador or view our time directory with current times in all Newfoundland and Labrador places. |
The Current Time in most of Labrador is: Sunday 3/23/2025 1:06 PM ADT Eastern Labrador observes the Atlantic Time Zone except for the portion between L'Anse au Clair and Norman Bay, which is on Newfoundland time. |
Place | Time Zone | UTC - Offset Standard Time | Observe Daylight Savings Time | UTC - Offset DST Time |
Cartwright | Atlantic | UTC - 4h | Yes | UTC - 3h |
Churchill Falls | Atlantic | UTC - 4h | Yes | UTC - 3h |
Conception Bay South | Newfoundland | UTC - 3h30 m | Yes | UTC - 2h30 m |
Corner Brook | Newfoundland | UTC - 3h30 m | Yes | UTC - 2h30 m |
Deer Lake | Newfoundland | UTC - 3h30 m | Yes | UTC - 2h30 m |
Gander | Newfoundland | UTC - 3h30 m | Yes | UTC - 2h30 m |
Goose Bay | Atlantic | UTC - 4h | Yes | UTC - 3h |
Grand Falls - Windsor | Newfoundland | UTC - 3h30 m | Yes | UTC - 2h30 m |
Happy Valley | Atlantic | UTC - 4h | Yes | UTC - 3h |
Hopedale | Atlantic | UTC - 4h | Yes | UTC - 3h |
Labrador City | Atlantic | UTC - 4h | Yes | UTC - 3h |
Makkovik | Atlantic | UTC - 4h | Yes | UTC - 3h |
Mary's Harbour | Newfoundland | UTC - 3h30 m | Yes | UTC - 2h30 m |
Mount Pearl | Newfoundland | UTC - 3h30 m | Yes | UTC - 2h30 m |
Nain | Atlantic | UTC - 4h | Yes | UTC - 3h |
North West River | Atlantic | UTC - 4h | Yes | UTC - 3h |
Paradise | Newfoundland | UTC - 3h30 m | Yes | UTC - 2h30 m |
Rigolet | Atlantic | UTC - 4h | Yes | UTC - 3h |
St. John's | Newfoundland | UTC - 3h30 m | Yes | UTC - 2h30 m |
Torbay | Newfoundland | UTC - 3h30 m | Yes | UTC - 2h30 m |
Wabush | Atlantic | UTC - 4h | Yes | UTC - 3h |