Bethel, Indiana Current Local Time - Bethel, Indiana Time Zone
Current Local Time |
Bethel, Indiana is officially in the Eastern Time Zone |
The Current Time in Bethel, Indiana is: Tuesday 3/25/2025 9:07 PM EDT Bethel, Indiana is in the Eastern Time Zone |
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Bethel, Indiana Local Time Details |
Time Zone
Eastern Standard Time - is abbreviated as EST Eastern Daylight Time - is abbreviated as EDT |
Bethel, Indiana is GMT/UTC - 5h during Standard Time Bethel, Indiana is GMT/UTC - 4h during Daylight Saving Time |
Daylight Saving
Bethel, Indiana does utilize Daylight Saving Time. |
Daylight Saving
Bethel, Indiana starts Daylight Saving Time on |
Daylight Saving
Bethel, Indiana ends Daylight Saving Time on |
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