Chile Time Zone - Chile Current Time - Daylight Saving Time
Current Local Time |
Chile Standard Time is UTC/GMT - 4 |
The Current Time in Most of Chile is: Saturday 3/22/2025 7:35 AM UTC-03:00 |
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The Current Time in The Magallanes Region is Saturday 3/22/2025 7:35 AM UTC-03:00 |
Chile Local Time Details |
Time Zone
Chile Time - is abbreviated as CLT Chile Daylight Time - is abbreviated as CLST |
Chile is GMT/UTC - 4h during Standard Time Chile is GMT/UTC - 3h during Daylight Saving Time |
Daylight Saving
Chile does utilize daylight saving time with a few exceptions.
Daylight Saving
Chile starts Daylight Saving Time on |
Daylight Saving
Chile ends Daylight Saving Time on |
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