Coral Harbour, Nunavut Current Local Time - Coral Harbour, Nunavut Time Zone
Current Local Time |
Coral Harbour, Nunavut is in the Eastern Time Zone, however during periods of daylight saving time in Canada the town of Coral Harbour observes Central Daylight Time. This results in local residents not having to change their clocks. |
The Current Time in Coral Harbour, Nunavut is: Monday 3/24/2025 9:28 AM UTC-05:00 |
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Coral Harbour, Nunavut Local Time Details |
Time Zone
Eastern Standard Time - is abbreviated as EST Central Daylight Time - is abbreviated as CDT |
Daylight Saving
Coral Harbour, Nunavut does not utilize Daylight Saving Time. |
Daylight Saving
Coral Harbour observes Central Daylight Time UTC/GMT - 5 when most of Canada observes daylight saving time. |
Daylight Saving
Coral Harbour observes Eastern Daylight Time UTC/GMT - 5 when most of Canada ends daylight saving time. |
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