Samoa Time Zone - Samoa Current Time
Current Local Time |
Samoa Standard Time is UTC + 13h |
The Current Time in Samoa is: Saturday 3/22/2025 6:38 AM UTC+13:00 Samoa Standard Time is UTC/GMT + 13h During Daylight Saving Time Samoa is UTC/GMT + 14h |
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Samoa switched time zones on December 29, 2011. The change in time zones resulted in Samoa being west of the international date line, and sharing the same day of the week with Australia, New Zealand and most of Asia. Samoa was previously to the east of the International Date line and observed GMT -11h standard time. This resulted in Samoa being 21 hours behind eastern Australia and 23 hours behind New Zealand, two of its major trading partners. This also resulted in Samoa being limited to only three full trading days a week .
When the change occurred in December Samoa skipped Friday December 30 entirely and begin the following day as Saturday, December 31. Tokelau, a New Zealand territory, implemented this change also.
Samoa Local Time Details |
Time Zone
Samoa Standard Time - is abbreviated as (WST) West Samoa Time |
Samoa is GMT/UTC + 13h during Standard Time |
Daylight Saving
Samoa has announced it will NOT START the observance of daylight saving time in 2021 as originally scheduled. |
Daylight Saving
Samoa had previously planned to start Daylight Saving Time on Sunday September 26, 2021 at 3:00 AM local standard time. |
Daylight Saving
Samoa had previously planned to end Daylight Saving Time on Sunday April 4, 2021 at 4:00 AM local daylight time. |